NPC Archive Item: Developing Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments – A practical guide

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. 28th July 2009 Introduction In July 2009 the guidance Developing Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments – a practical guide was published by NHS Employers in consultation with a range of stakeholders […]

NPC Archive Item: Health Checks from Community Pharmacy

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. In June 2009 the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC), working collaboratively with the Department of Health’s Vascular Team and the Medicines, Pharmacy and Industry Division, developed a national enhanced service […]

NPC Archive Item: Maximising Health Gain through Community Pharmacy

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. Introduction In May 2009 the Company Chemists’ Association, National Pharmacy Association, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee, NHS Alliance, and Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies […]

NPC Archive Item: Three new medicines management NPC floors now available

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. Three new floors are now available on NPC in the medicines management section. These floors contain a number of learning resources including: Learning objectives with NHS KSF links Five […]

NPC Archive Item: NPC Podcast – 21st May 2009

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. Carl Dawood talks to Charlotte Dowling, Primary Care Contracting Adviser for the East of England, about developments within World Class Commissioning and pharmaceutical services. [podcast][/podcast] Subscribe to the NPC […]

NPC Archive Item: Primary Care & Community Services: Improving Pharmaceutical Services

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. Published in March 2009 by the Department of Health and NHS Primary Care Contracting, the PrimaryCare&CommunityServices:  Improving pharmaceutical services guide provides practical advice on how PCTs can assess their […]

NPC Archive Item: Guidance for GP practices on achieving best value from the community pharmacy medicines use review service; and for the implementation of repeat dispensing

NOTE – This is an archive post from the NPC and has not been updated since first publication. Therefore, some hyperlinks may no longer be working. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC), British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS Employers jointly published two pieces of guidance for GP practices in January 2009. These were ‘achieving best […]